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Stroud Valley's Summer Trial

4th August is the date, 10.30am start at Peaked Elm Farm, Selsley, Stroud, GL5 5LG, (what 3 words simulates.aboard.gazes).

Three laps of 12 sections planned, with expert, clubman and sportsman options, to make things simpler there will not be 50/50 options. On-line entries are now open via Sport80 and owing to the venue access issues there is a limit of 60 riders.

As always observers will receive £20 towards their expenses.

We look forward to seeing you for an enjoyable, not too challenging trial. This venue can be affected by adverse weather, updates will be posted on SV's website.

Direct Entry link on the 2024 Events calendar.

[on 28Jun2024]

Trevor Hunt Trophy Trial - Postponed

A family bereavement has meant Wye Valley will have to postpone the TH Trial. The existing entries will be refunded and we hope to bring you more news if a date can be found.

The Wye Valley's planned Trevor Hunt Trial for 21st July 2024 at the Rockyfold, Craswall venue (Now awaits a new date). They have plans for new sections and to solve the problems caused by the double subs backing-up previously.

[on 28Jun2024]

West Glos and Youth Squad heads to Wye Valley

Update 18Jun2024: There may still be some extra Youth/Adult training places available - message Simon on the YDS facebook to check.

Entries are open now for the jointly-organised West Glos and ACU Western Youth Development Squad trial at Longtown on Sunday July 28. It will follow two days of coaching, and there is a campsite and a pub very nearby so it promises to be a great long weekend. More details on the trial, including how to enter, are on the West Glos website.

[on 10Jun2024]

Summer date changes

Following tonight's ACU Western board meeting, date changes in August and September have been approved. The Stroud MC Summer Series trial at Selsley is now listed for Sunday, August 5 (originally August 4), and Glos & Cotswold MC has had to move its Cotton Trial, a round of the ACU Western CDE Trials Championship from September 1 to September 22 due to a clash with a national trial - the second of the ACU Western Youth Squad-organised rounds of the ACU Belle Trailers Ladies and Girls Trials Championship. More news on that to follow! And finally the last 2 coaching dates of the year for the ACU Western Youth Trials Squad have been confirmed - October 13 and December 14. All the dates are on the Event Calendar.

[on 10Jun2024]

CHG Trials - one for the diary

CHG has a date for a trial on 8th Sep. This will be held at Tim Fry's farm on Cleeve Hill and will be a fund raiser for the Pied Piper charity. We hope to run routes for sportsman, clubman and experts at this venue.. [on 22Apr2024]

RIP - Ron Walters

Sad news from regular centre rider Stefan Walters - his dad Ron passed away unexpectedly a couple of days ago, peacefully at home. Stefan woukd to to let anyone who knew him know the sad news. The thoughts of everyone in the centre are with the Walters family at this sad time.

Update: The funeral is booked for 1pm on Wednesday 26th June, at South Oxfordshire Crematorium, Garford, Abingdon, OX13 5PA. We're hoping to have the wake at the pub in West Hanney, TBC.

[on 9Jun2024]

The Wyegate LDT

A big turnout of our centre riders were up for a crack at a long ride and some very natural sections. With entrants from all over the UK it is surprising that we can retain a winner from our centre. Last year Simon Welch won the Wyegate Cup using a pre65 (Good shakedown for the Scottish), this year we've managed to keep it with us again, but Simon got beaten by the slightest of TSR23 margins. Go to the West Glos Wyegate page to see which of the local talent now has a big Cup to polish. [on 17Apr2024 by Colin]

Uncollected Awards

There are a lot of uncollected awards leaving your shelf empty. See if your name is in this list. You can contact (Tom Welch) our awards secretary to arrange collection. See the current list here. [on 28Mar2024]

Janet Beard RIP

The thoughts of everyone in ACU Western will be with the family of Janet Beard, who has sadly passed away. She was a familiar face at many trials, observing and supporting her trials riding family - Ivor, Spud, Chris and Jay. Her funeral will be held on Friday 5th April, 3pm, at Gloucester Crematorium, Field Cottage, Coney Hill Rd, Gloucester GL4 4PA. [on 17Mar2024]

Introducing more women to motorcycle sport

An event aimed at minorities in offroad motorcycle sport takes place on Saturday and Sunday 23rd and 24th March and the venue is Hafod-y-Dafal, Aberbeeg, NP13 2ER, half an hour from the M4.

The first part of this event is to enable women and girls aged 15 up, to undertake training in enduro and trials, with 2 hour taster session where bikes and protective clothing are supplied. No previous offroad experience is necessary but they must be able to ride a bike with clutch and gears.

The second minority group we are encouraging is sidecars! Apart from grass track, although catered for in all disciplines, they are very much a minority. We have owners bringing all types of sidecars for people to try passengering, and possibly to drive, subject to a good chat with the owner and their consent. Again, age is 15 upwards, no experience necessary, and clothing can be provided.

Information sheets on beginning sport will be available, and it would be excellent if some new competitors began after having the opportunity to try.

Basic camping is available, but the landowner has not yet said whether it will be free for participants or a small fee extra. It is on top of a hill, so we hope the weekend is not too windy or rainy, and might be better for campers and caravans. There will be portaloos, but no showers, no electricity or water.

For more information and to book, please email or phone 01686 430522. [on 27Feb2024]

Drag racing talk for Ben' Fund

Tom Vivian

ACU Western Grass Track Recorder and Centre Benevolent Fund Officer Tom Vivian gave a talk on his experiences in top level drag racing in the 1970s and 80s, in aid of the Ben' Fund.

Tom's talk, in association with the Vintage Motorcycle Club, covered his years on Triumph and Weslake machines. His supercharged Weslake 1000 V-twin was on display at the talk from on Thursday, January 18 - 30 people attended the talk from Malvern MCC, VMCC, ACU Western and Leominster Classic MCC, and a total of £158 was raised for the ACU Benevolent Fund. Thanks to everyone who attended for their generous donations.

If you missed it there is another talk planned at the Worcester Auto Club Tuesday 26th March, Tower Buildings, Perdiswell, Worcester.

Tom Vivian

All proceeds to the ACU Benovolent Fund which supports injured riders and organisers on a confidential basis. It is funded entirely by donations, and Tom does sterling work in selling merchandise and shaking tins to raise funds. A suggested donation of £5 on entry would be appreciated at the next event.

[on 28Jan2024]

ACU Western Trials Championship - round 1 postponed.

The first round of the ACU Western Trials Championship has been postponed. Due to an issue with tree felling at the proposed venue, organisers Gloucester and Cotswold MC is looking to move Round 1 from the January 14 date. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.

Dates for the rounds are currently provisional and will be confirmed after the next ACU Western Board meeting on January 15. This year's championship has nine rounds, and two reserve dates which can be used by clubs in the event of a postponement - it is hoped that riders will be able to plan their year more easily. G&C is unlikely to use one of these dates for one round, as the dates for the championship are currently provisional. We will keep you updated! [on 19Dec2023]

New Club Membership fee collection system.

Those clubs in our Centre who intend to use the ACU's new system to manage club members paying their subs on the club's behalf need to setup the details on Sport:80 account. Here is the Guide they've produced which Will help you complete the process. Clubs who are not going to use online sales and the Stripe account but aim to continue with manual applications do not need to bother, but be assured, it is relatively easy to do. Membership secs will still need to validate the member so that Licences can be obtained. The ACU have announced that Clubs should be ready for membership applications to enable riders to get their 2024 licences in the press and riders already want to enter 2024 events.

Stroud Valley and West Glos already have experience. and HQ support is available.

Here's the Guide - New Club Membership Sales Feature.

And here is all our club's pages where some (SV, GC, Ledbury, WV and WG) have their membership link on. Centre's Clubs List

[on 01Dec2023]

Trevor Hunt Trophy Trial

If you missed the trial then our Editor Ben managed to capture some of the beautiful natural sections that the Wye Valley club layed out for us. Have a look. Full Results on the calendar. (And Yes, Tom Cooper did finish just before the chain decided not to play nice.)

[on 22Aug2023]

YDS - Training Day

The YDS's March Training day was held at West Glos President Roy Breakwell's farm with some challenging sections to tackle. Have a look at some of the action thanks to our Editor Ben.

[on 30Mar2023]

YDS Dates for 2023

YDS Co-ordinator Simon Welch has set the dates for this year's Youth Development Squad training sessions. All on Youth updates page and our Current Event Calendar. [on 07Mar2023]

ACU Western Trials Championship Fires Up

Brett Harbud launches into the lead in Experts, Dan Bishop re-appears to lead the Club/Exps, James White takes Rob Faulkner's vacated spot in Club, Newcomer Adam Wight slots into our Editor Ben's vacated spot in Sports Plus, Dave Morris is allowed to retain his podium in Over 50s, and Ben Wilson replaces Rob Cobley who now moves up to S+. In the 3 youth classes Jamie Laverton lords it over A, Kayleigh Rich leads the B's and Harry Bishop leads in C. Full Listing and Gallery from round two on the 2023 championship page. [on 19Feb2023]

Sport:80 system problems

Almost all Centre clubs are having problems setting up the new Sport:80 system so they can both process Permits for new events and Memberships for the clubs, please be gentle with our overworked volunteers!

If you need to get in touch with ACU then we have a list of useful contacts. [on 06Jan2023]

ACU's New Members Portal system

Most of you will be getting an email from ACU HQ soon to prompt you to use their new Member's entry and licence system that promises to be easier to use. You will need to do this to enter the majority of future events. We strongly suggest that you Login to the Members Portal and double-check you have the correct email address in your profile now. This will ensure you get the link for the new system. [on 24Oct2022]

Trials stewards - we need you

The centre board appoints Stewards for Centre Championship Trials. Due to recent retirements we are looking for experienced Steward/Clerk of the Course licence holders to officiate at Championship Trials. This involves attending the event and ensuring that the ACU rules are followed and making a report for the Centre Board. Usually very enjoyable and not very onerous. A fee is paid for this duty. If you are interested and would like to help then please contact Jennie Jones the Centre Secretary.

Tony Noel, Chairman ACU Western

[on 12Jan2022]

Archive video footage

Archive video footage of two ACU Western events has been brought up to date by one of our site sponsors BVM Moto. BVM's YouTube channel features 1987 video of a Cheltenham Home Guard MCC event at Upper Hill Farm and a Wye Valley AC event at Craswall (both link to YouTube). More archive video is on the way, and links to both these events and much more on ACU Western's past can be found on the ACU Western Archive [on 10May2020 22:09]

Environmental Mats

Competitors are reminded that whenever a machine is being refuelled at an ACU-authorised event, it must stand on an environmental mat. This is a rule of the ACU designed to protect our sport and the environment, Trials Standing Regulation 9: "ENVIRONMENTAL MATS - All machines and generators must stand on an Environmental mat whilst being refuelled."

[on 19Jan2020]

Defibrillator - the Yellow Bag at Trials

You should all know what is in that Yellow Bag. If someone, anyone; You, A Rider, A Marshal or even a spectator has a medical emergency that could be heart stopping then watch the video of how the thing works. It may give you enough confidence to get on with saving a life! [on 05Jun2017]