November 2011 Caption Competition

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I am sure some out there can name the rider in this excellent Steve Workman shot taken at Zona 1's John Workman Trial. But who can come up with a caption? .

Well, we had 3 entries and 1 winner - Colin Jones. His caption epitomises the optimism of trials riders who push the limit, with: "Rock to Roof Gap jump....Yeah, I can do that".

Adam Colburn, who came a close second, said a fair few people knew the pic is of Lee Hassell who regularly makes the journey from Wessex Centre to ride in Western trials when the calendar permits. Adam said it might take a keener eye to spot Lee's dad, Dean at the bottom right side of the photo looking decidedly bored watching Lee undertake his new role, which is as a VOSA Tester: "New regulations state that all small to medium sized cars get a simulated "bike entering the oncoming traffic without warning test". This test simulates a motorcycle ploughing into the front nearside of the vehicle and impacting at realistic force to examine the structural efficiency of the aforementioned vehicle." And the number plate almost spells VOSA. Good spot Adam.

And Trials widow Cheryl Leadsom came up with: "Lee discovered an ingenious way to expel his trapped wind...."
